Reducing Redness & Fine Lines

Jul 10, 2023

If you’re like me, you want to know that what you’re doing is effective. What you’re spending money on, what you’re spending time on–being wasteful is such a cultural norm. So is the craving for agelessness. 


There are thousands and thousands of products to buy and dollars spent on things that promise massive results. I’m not here to make promises, but I am here to help with some knowledge about skin that you may or may not know! And also, share a new product that I’m totally stoked for. 


First, let me start by saying that plants and humans have been in cahoots for a millenia. Our bond is so intrinsic we cannot unravel it, and when we do (as many actually do intentionally or defaultedly) we start feeling and experiencing myriad different symptoms and ailments. I could write about all of this–perhaps extensively–because there’s much to unpack, but for the sake of today’s writing, I’m here to share just a bit about our deep and undeniable connection to rose. 


Modernly our connection is one of appreciating the beauty of the rose, and often the aroma. Adages remind us to not simply walk by, but to stop and smell them. Perhaps this is interpreted as a metaphor, but I think it can be much more on the nose (pun intended). Taking for granted the rose is a tragedy, and I regret the better half of my life not having this ally in closer proximity. Really, only being familiar with the blooms that trailed over garden walls on neighborhood streets, roses were somewhat mythological and separate from my day to day. 


Then, I started using essential oils. But, even then–I found the fragrance of rose essential a bit obnoxious, somewhat repulsive, too sweet and it certainly did not become a part of my daily routine. Due to its precious nature, rose is quite costly–and pure versions are almost impossible to find. Like most lavenders (even organic and therapeutic grade) on the market, my nose knows it doesn’t like the overly sweet and somewhat astringent aroma of the less pure options producers provide so as to create cheaper products and larger profits. But, I’m here to tell you, that time, wisdom, and finding a pure source have given me reason to sing its praises, and to try and make amends for the time I’ve lost with this forever friend by singing those songs for you. 


Did you know Rose has the highest frequency of any plant? This can be measured, and for those attuned to energetic fields, it can certainly be perceived with any number of scientific or energetic measuring devices. It all sounds woo-woo, but it’s a magnificent thing to participate in–the movement of energy beyond the scope of our 5 senses. I’ve seen it, felt it and discussed this very real phenomena with many others. 


As the ultimate opener, rose is both delicate and fierce. She is gentle and thorough and a force to be reckoned with. Stopping to smell the rose, as the saying goes, is not simply about enjoying the moment–it’s more than that; it’s about recognizing the glorious attributes, the wonder, the magnificence that is beholden to this unassuming flower. We’re drawn to her beauty, but we are bewitched by her subtlety. She, like most attractive women, is captivating to behold, but her allure goes much deeper. Her character is graceful, calming and even intoxicating. She can satiate and embolden. Poetry has been written, folklore is clear, both eastern medicine and ayurveda agree–the rose is in a category all her own.


Much research has gone into the potential healing opportunities rose has to offer: inflammation, depression, menstrual struggles, anti-spasmodic effects, addiction relief, pain reduction, allergy calming, mental ease, skin soothing…[1]


Let’s land on that skin soothing one. Sure, the rest is amazing (I have rollers all over the place, and down the spine is one of my favorite immune system boosters), however, the use of rose in ancient beautifying rituals is clear, and can be harnessed today. The trick is just finding the right tool–the one that uses ACTUAL rose, and not some synthetic knock off. Rose is expensive–to express enough essential oil for a 5ml bottle, approximately 10,000 blooms are required–that’s a lot! But, this pure, undiluted and uncompromised 5ml of oil can be used effectively for thousands upon thousands of uses. Less than one drop is sufficient for any given need. 


And then there is the rose hydrosol–a colloidal water-based product that is made intentionally for its gentle and usefulness as a skin treatment. Nourishing rose hydrosol is like an electrolyte drink for the skin–it offers balancing properties that even out skin tone, balance moisture levels and rejuvenate the glow of skin. This is no secret–these properties have been harnessed for centuries. Only in the last century have skincare companies bastardized the power of rose through synthetic replications that can never live up to the full potential of the real deal. 


And they just don’t work. 


Perhaps all this is why I’m so excited to share this new product with you. That, and the price of this product is not what I would have expected for such luxurious access to the potent beautification this hydrosol has to offer. 


Plus, it comes paired with the Moringa serum that goes on like an oil but absorbs completely leaving the skin by hydrated, supple and ready for the day. Increasing a dewy look while forgoing the greasy build-up other products can leave behind. NO synthetics, preservatives or pore-clogging ingredients the Moringa serum provides the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits this super plant is known for, while speeding up wound healing and healthy blood flow. 


I don’t always feel compelled to write up an article like this about new products, but I am so blown away by this one I felt compelled to share–I have been using it for a month, and it has me feeling extra pampered and I’m noticing healing and suppleness in my skin tone that I’ve been longing for.


Currently, this product is a limited-time offering, so my secret goal in sharing all this information with you is that in showing the demand we have for it, it becomes a permanent product in our skincare line. I just think we all deserve to have incredibly sumptuous and extravagantly rich products at such reasonable prices. Don’t you? 


Grab your duet set here before it sells out. (use this link to use my wholesale discount–for a year!)


Also, I put together this skin renewal set which includes a free diffuser as a part of our 150pv promo. Feel free to mix & match to take advantage of that.

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Harnessing Herbalism in the Heat

Jul 09, 2024